
    5 thoughts on “Contact

    • 26 December, 2008 at 12:51 pm

      Hi Hal, I am in one of my periodic harvesting exercises of ex colleagues websites/blogs to include in my aggregator – do you have an RSS feed and if so where is it?

      Cheers, Stephen.

    • 23 July, 2009 at 4:46 pm

      audi wont recognise Itouch after upgrade 3.11. audi model A4, 2007

    • 25 January, 2010 at 10:36 pm

      I’m having a problem with subtitles.
      I’m using DVD studio Pro 4, imported the movie, 1080 HD, made de subtitles directly (4 languages), 2 menus, 1 for play and subtitles, the other just for the different subtitles. When I use simulate, it works perfect!
      The menus, the subtitles, everything works great!
      When I burn the dvd and then try it, horror happens! The movie starts without showing the 1 menu, and, by default or whatever, only appears the 1st subtitle language! Even when I try to change to the others, they don’t appear.
      I checked everything, subtitle stream , checked for view in every languages… I don’t know what is happening! please advise. Thanks

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