Microsoft Edge Browser Zoom lies (almost).

An interesting problem popped up recently – a web site required the browser to NOT be zoomed at all – it had to be 100% scale… but Edge refused to agree that it was at 100%, despite saying it clearly in the zoom settings.
If you’ve not encountered this, you’re fortunate – but Edge appears to say 100%, yet the website detected a zoom level.

So I did some digging and came across this brilliant post:

It turns out that Edge is not really lying as such, it’s just not telling you what exactly it is zooming in reference to… it certainly wasn’t the website. It turns out the windows display setting defaults to 125%, and Edge zooms to 100% OF THAT value… thus whilst Edge says it is at 100%, it is actually 125%.

to fix it, you either have to change your windows display default zoom to 100% (which is what I did), or calculate the required percentage of that to get to 100% for the websites that need no zoom… in this case you need to set Edge to be 80% for it to report as 100% of the Windows scale.

Now, that was obscure… at least to me!