Simple forum for WordPress


At last, I seem to have found a decent set of forum tools that plugs directly into wordpress! I have been looking for something that gives me some of the functionality of PHPbb but uses the WordPress user table in the database. Following a link to YellowSwordfish I happened across ‘sf-forum’.

I have since installed it on this blog, and you can get to it by following the ‘Forum’ links in the menu bar. It allows me to establish forum groups visible only to specific users or set up different ones open to public access. Currently, if you visit the page you will be able to see three forums related to the work I do as part of Cleveratom Limited. However, if you sign up to the site you’ll also see (as a subscriber) another forum dedicated to DVD technologies. Now, none of these are particularly high profile things for me to broadcast, but they do illustrate the power of the simple forum plug in.

The only caveat I would suggest is that to get the forum to appear you need to be sure that your page names match your database names – it took a few minutes for this to sink in and at first I was thinking I had not managed to get a decent forum… but hold fast! Get those names right and it appears beautifully.

Many thanks to Andy (I think) at yellow swordfish – a brilliant little plug in with lots of versatility.

Cleveratom Telephone Number Changed – 01245 252009


Within the next few weeks we should be in our new office, if the solicitors get the paperwork sorted! Before that, we have arranged for a new company telephone number to be set up. The original, local call-rate number remains unchanged as 0845 868 90 20

Our local office phone/fax number (currently 01277 369 500) will remain in place for about three months, however, as of today you can also contact us using 01245 252 009. Please update your telephone records accordingly!

Cleveratom Move is delayed

Sigh. It was all going so well, too… ah well!

Yes, the solicitors involved in the move have decided to unpick all of the legal implications for us. In actual fact, I think it is only one solicitor doing it, but it’s hard to get to the bottom of what happens in the legal world. So, the long and short of it all is that we are still moving, but at the moment it is going a bit more slowly than it was.

In the mean time, we remain at Ongar – and what a brilliant set of people there. Deep gratitude to David (and Pam) who have made our lives so much easier. If only the rooms were bigger… !