Northwest passage is Open

According to the BBC news today, the fabled ‘Northwest Passage’ that links Asia with the Americas via the northern coast of Canada is now open. Due to extensive shrinkage of the sea ice in the area, the route is now apparently navigable: 

There is now a time of debate where Canada want to govern who uses the route, since it is within their territorial waters, and the American and European countries who claim it should be open for all to use no matter what.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think anyone should use the route. It should remain closed and protected from human activities permanently. All that can happen is one more delicate ecosystem is going to become polluted and permanently damaged from spillages of fuel and oil, and suffer the detritus of human activity such as litter. This area, for so long in delicate balance, will be supporting an unknown level of wildlife that is about to face its biggest threat. We are apparently about to be deciding the future of this location, and what is the rationale for this?

It has got to be money. By using the northwest passage, shipping firms can save millions in fuel costs and time simply by using a much shorter route. They will no doubt not pass on those savings to anyone, let alone begin to pay money to repair the untold damage they have already caused throughout the world. They will almost certainly get richer and fatter, build bigger and bigger vessels and carry on with what they normally do.

Sod the wildlife, the shrinking ice is simply an opportunity.

Go for it fellas, and let’s hope that you don’t get ice-bound or strike too may icebergs en route.

BBC News errors, is this the worst?

Normally known for its high quality reporting, the BBC News website appears to be suffering an attack of the gremlins today. Without commenting too much on the content of the story, which is undeniably appalling, just read this leading paragraph:

The sister of a man who died after confronting youths who threw litter into her car has sais she is finding ahrd to come to terms with her death.

I kid you not. This was on the website at 2pm today and the entire article followed with a string of errors, poor grammar and bad spelling abounded! Click here to read the article, but keep in mind that some sharp eyed editor may be just about to correct the mistakes. Unfortunately, I do have a copy of that page as it currently is… BBC News Article

Let’s assume that it was typed from shorthand notes, eh? Doesn’t seem to show much respect for the people in the story, mind you.

Laptop Theft, data loss

Just a brief note to anyone who has been in contact with me over the last few months. My laptop was stolen yesterday and I lost a lot of data, including a fair number of email addresses and details. If you have been in touch with me for any reason (be it personal or work-related) please get back in touch… the chances are that I can’t send an email to you at the moment as I won’t have your address.

Jaws Content Management System, Jaws CMS

jaws.pngLately, we have been looking at different types of CMS available and trying to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each. It’s a tough task as you can imagine. However, for one reason or another Jaws has risen to the surface as a strong leader. It is still relatively new, of course and as such may not yet have the refinements of systems like Drupal, but it does have a relatively simple user interface which counts for a lot in my book. Sadly, the immaturity of the platform and the relative recency of its appearance means that there isn’t a great deal of useful information for those wishing to develop for it. As an example, try finding any information of any great depth about building a ‘gadget’. Sure, there is the meagre documentation and yes, there are plenty of gadgets which you could deconstruct, but what is needed is a reasonably detailed description of how these puppies hang together in the first place! Damian (Cleveratom employee no.4) has been looking into all this but it is tough one to crack. Using IRC he managed to chat to one of the core developers for a little bit of info, but not enough to get him really underway. So – does anyone have a good understanding of how gadgets are made for Jaws, and would you be willing to share it?

Cleveratom Website

It’s been a while since we created the first Cleveratom website, and it has never been anything except a holding page linking out to our respective blogs and places we normally write to. However, that’s all set to change.

Over the next few days we are going to experiment with linking WordPress blogs together using RSS feeds to see if we can populate a central site from all of the sites currently being posted to by us. If it works, the Cleveratom site will have an instant makeover. If it doesn’t, we’ll try again with a different system. Current Favourites are the better CMS systems, and one I’ve not seen much of before is TypoLite… already installed, I’m finding out what it will do for us.